
Saturday 8 June 2013

Almost there - Summer holidays are near!

Oh, the bliss! I submitted the first draft of my 30-minute adaptation script last Thursday!

Words cannot express how relieved I felt. The project had stressed me for several weeks, up to a point where I had turned into a paranoid hermit. I lashed out to my close friends and family, sported black bags under my eyes, experienced trouble sleeping and caved in to my little room with tea pots and chocolates. I did not register I was turning into a living dead until I submitted my work, and then it hit me: I felt exhausted. It's like all the stress had been building up inside my body and at that moment, it escaped as one giant lump.

The mere feeling of adding the draft to my folder of 'Writing Projects' (which is basically a folder where I keep all my 'finished' script printouts) was simply amazing - although I doubt I will be graded very highly on the project (grading is really tough on my course), the joy of accomplishing it made me a very happy girl indeed.

It is slightly ironic that despite the exhaustion, I find my fingers lusting after the keyboard in order to start working on new projects. My mind is full of ideas and I am anxious to start working on them. However, I must wait - I still have an essay and some reports to finish before term two finishes. So until that dull work is done, I will have to keep my fingers and mind at bay. Hopefully my inspiration to write will not disappear during the next few weeks... So given this, I assume I am pursuing the right career for me? I should join Work-a-holics Anonymous!

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