
Sunday 13 October 2013

Autumn of artsy adventures begins

Autumn has reached London, and with it, a new university term focussing on idea development has began. During our first lecture last week, I submitted my summer elective, an analysis of the problems and solutions in sustaining a long-running television series, as well as three ideas for an original project, all of which enabled me to take another mandatory step towards acquiring those fabulous, juicy carrots I'm pursuing – a master's degree and a career in screenwriting.

I was also given my term two marks, and I was quite pleased. My overall mark was B-, which is also what I received for my script. We were working with adaptations, so I had to choose a short story (R.L. Stevenson's The Body-Snatcher) and write a 30-minute adaptation from it. I was not entirely happy with the piece when I submitted it, and knew it was only a 'first draft', thus the comments made by my marker were well justified: 'although a very strong piece of work, the script could still benefit from tightening the focus of the action and the dialogue to make it sizzle'. As a result, I have spent some time re-working the outline and the dramatic focus, and playing around with the project. I have dozens of ideas, which can hopefully lead to improvements that will make the script 'sizzle'.

My main focus, however, has been on re-working my first university project, a 10-minute short film script that I named A Matter of Time. Reading it now, I am quite horrified by it, and agree that a lot of further work needs to be done for it. It lacks a clear, cohesive structure, the dialogue is far from perfect, and some events could be scrapped altogether. It definitely takes priority over the adaptation, as it is an original piece of work, and I need to have more original work in my portfolio.

So, overall, I am looking forward to the challenges this autumn will bring along writing and study-wise. I have to say, I am quite excited to be writing and creating again. Let's hope this lasts :-)

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